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A photo of the Philadelphia Zoo sign located at the North Gate entrance.

Group Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Philadelphia Zoo! To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, please review this Code of Conduct with all group leaders, chaperones, parents, and guardians participating in your visit.

Adherence to these guidelines is mandatory at all times while on our premises. If any part of this code is not followed, the primary contact for the reservation and the head of the organization will be notified. Our staff will also take appropriate measures to ensure compliance.

1) Chaperone Requirements: Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a chaperone at all times. A minimum of one (1) chaperone is required for every ten (10) children. All students, campers, scouts, and minors should not be separated from a chaperone at any time, including students in high school. This policy ensures the safety of all guests and allows access to our animal experiences for those requiring adult supervision. Please plan accordingly to meet this requirement.

2) Respect for Animals and Property: All guests must show respect for the Zoo’s animals, other visitors, staff, and property. This includes buildings, exhibits, trees, shrubbery, and plants.

3) Restricted Areas: Do not cross any staff-only entrances, barriers, fences, or ropes without permission from Zoo staff.

4) Animal Interaction: Feeding or throwing objects at animals, as well as tapping on habitat glass, is strictly prohibited.